NEMESIS: A Reference Model for Information, Communication and Biometrics Technologies for Technical-Scientific Police
The NÊMESIS project sought to develop a Reference Model for Information Technologies, Communication and Biometrics for Technical Scientific Police, more specifically the project is developed in cooperation with the Technical Police Secretariat of the State of Espírito Santo.
Nemesis was a technological development project coordinated by Professor Mateus Conrad Barcellos da Costa and involved researchers from Ifes and UFES, in partnership with Civil Police technicians.
One of the objectives of Nemesis is to allow an increase in the efficiency of procedures and investigation by the Technical-Scientific Police of Espírito Santo, such as the modernization and optimization of the process of issuing identity cards. Actions are planned in the areas of Information Technology (IT) and Biometrics (identification of people by means of printing, signature and digital image). The execution period will be two years.
This project was be carried out with funding from the State Department of Science and Technology (Sect), through the Espírito Santo Science Support Foundation (Fapes), and the support from Ifes, through the Incubator of Technology-Based Enterprises.